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In the heart of Washington Square Park, Aaron Gammon begins setting up their electric guitar, pedals, and amps. As they do so, a group of onlookers, seemingly familiar to Aaron, help them set up while conversing about music. Aaron props up a sign in their guitar case that humorously states, “I know I suck, pay me to stop? I mostly play Bob Dylan, more reason to pay me to stop”. 

    As Aaron begins to play, it is clear that their sign was a gross exaggeration and not only do they accompany their voice well with the electric guitar but additionally, as they open with their first Bob Dylan song, “You Ain’t Goin Nowhere”, they fill the space between the chorus and the verse with the sound of a harmonic, fixed around their neck.

    Aaron’s performance is upbeat, playful, and engaging as if this wasn’t evident enough from their self-deprecating sign, many of those around me seem to recognize Aaron. I cannot help but feel a sense of community surrounding his music and the park it inhabits.

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